Hosharafu Ground Fight Rules


Hosharafu Ground Fight (Free Style Grappling) is a non-striking free style grappling and submission fighting whose art consists in forcing the opponent to surrender through the application of locks and choking techniques. In accordance with the general philosophy of sport, the Ground Fighters are required to honour the values of sportsmanship and fair play and they shall never intentionally injure a fellow sportsman in competition.


Based on the International Hosharafu Federation Constitution and various regulations, the international rules set forth in the present document constitute the framework within which the sport of grappling is conducted and promoted and have as their specific objectives to: – Establish the competition system, classification, technical points, penalties, eliminations, etc. – Define and specify the practical and technical conditions under which a match is to take place – Determine the value to be assigned to actions and holds. – List the situations and prohibitions. – Determine the technical duties of the refereeing body.


The rules defined in the present document shall be in effect for all International Hosharafu Federation sanctioned and approved events in order to ensure optimal safety of the athletes and a healthy growth of the discipline. The International Hosharafu Federation license is mandatory for every international Ground Fight competition with more than two participating countries. Every international competition must be reported to International Hosharafu Federation and added to its official calendar.


All athletes participating in the International Hosharafu Federation sanctioned events agree to submit themselves to the International Hosharafu Federation Anti-Doping Regulations and to the World Anti-Doping Code. Athletes knowingly infected with the HIV/HBV virus are prohibited from participating in Groung Fight competitions. Medical staff knowingly infected with the same viruses is prohibited from administering healthcare to bleeding ground Fighters.

Weight Lose:

As far as weight reduction on the competition site is concerned, International Hosharafu Federation has adopted the following rules: the practice of dehydration or excessive caloric restriction, the use of diuretics, emetics, laxatives, and self-induced vomiting are prohibited by International Hosharafu Federation.

Ground Fighters under 18 are prohibited from the on-site use of saunas/steam rooms or vapour-impermeable suits. Enforcement of these rules is the responsibility of the tournament committee and its decisions shall be final. A first violation of these rules shall cause the individual(s) in question to be suspended from the competition for which use of the prohibited methods were intended. A second violation shall result in the suspension of the individual(s) from any International Hosharafu Federation sanctioned event for one calendar year from time of suspension. The International Hosharafu Federation Executive Committee will hear all second violation cases and apply the sanctions defined in the International Hosharafu Federation regulations. Any individual assisting a Ground Fighter in prohibited weight reduction practices shall be held to the same rules and penalties as the athlete in violation.

Competition System:

The competition system follows the system adopted by International Hosharafu Federation for the Tournament competitions based on direct elimination with repackage. The pairing is made in order of the numbers drawn. If the number of grapplers is not ideal (i.e. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc.), some qualification matches will take place from the bottom of the brackets. The grapplers who win their matches continue in the brackets until two undefeated grapplers remain. They will dispute the final for the gold and silver medal. The grapplers who lost against the two finalists will have repackage matches in two different groups: the first group with the grapplers who lost against the 1st finalist and the second group with the grapplers who lost against the second finalist. The winners of the two repackage groups will both receive a bronze medal. From the 7th place, the grapplers are ranked according to the following criteria:

  • Most victories by submission
  • Most victories by technical superiority
  • Most victories by decision
  • Most technical points scored during the whole competition

Note: If the place of the grapplers cannot be determined with the above criteria, they will be ranked ex aequo. In case a category counts less than 6 competitors, the competition will follow the “Nordic system” with each competitor fighting each competitor. The ranking will be made according to the number of victories. In case of a tie, the classification points (as described in Article 22) will part the grapplers and if they are still equal, the winner of their direct fight will be ranked before the other one.

Medical Examination and Uniform:

Medical examination shall be conducted the day of the competition in a restricted area near the competition site. It shall last 1 hour and be immediately followed by the weigh-in for the designated weight categories. Separate male and female rooms or times shall be provided. The athletes shall wear shorts or underwear. The medical staff shall examine them for skin infections and medical conditions such as cuts or contagious disease. It has full authority to decide whether athletes are suitable for competition or not. Once the medical staff has cleared the athletes, they shall proceed to the uniform check table and have their competition uniforms controlled by the designated referees. In case their uniforms are not compliant with the International Hosharafu Federation regulations, the athletes will be given the opportunity to purchase International Hosharafu Federation approved gear on the spot.

Weight-In and Drawing of Lots:

Weigh-in shall be conducted the day of the competition in a restricted area near the competition site. It shall last 1 hour and be concluded 1 hour prior to the scheduled start of the first bout of the designated weigh categories. Access to the weigh-in room shall be limited to competitors, coaches, referees, and official weigh-in staff. No competitor shall be accepted at the weigh-in if he/she has not undergone the medical examination within the time period stipulated in the competition program. Athletes shall present their International Hosharafu Federation license and accreditation card to the appointed referees in charge of the weigh-in. Athletes shall wear shorts or underwear and be allowed to check their weight on the scales as many times as they wish within the official weigh-in time frame. No weight tolerance shall be granted at the International Hosharafu Federation sanctioned events. After the athletes have made weight and the weigh-in official has marked their weight on the weigh-in list, they shall draw a lot number which will be used to determine their position in the bracket. The weigh-in officials shall also enter the lot number onto the weigh-in list. The drawing of lots shall be conducted at the weigh-in table next to the scales, either manually or by computer with the official International Hosharafu Federation competition software.

Age and Weight Categories:

All contestants shall be able to provide an official document proving their age and nationality. Any athlete found competing in an age group lower than his/her International Hosharafu Federation designated age category shall be automatically disqualified from the immediate competition. Those athletes found violating this policy repeatedly may be subject to International Hosharafu Federation membership disqualification. Except for veterans, athletes are allowed to compete in the age division directly above their legal age group, provided that they present a medical certificate at registration. Novice, schoolboys, and cadets are also required to present a parental consent confirming they are allowed to compete in an older age group. Note: If several age divisions are on the program of a International Hosharafu Federation sanctioned event, athletes may only compete in one age group.

Novice (12-13 years old)

Boys and girls: 27, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 55, 60, 66, 72, +72kg

Schoolboys/girls (14-15 years old)

                Boys: 29-32, 35, 38, 42, 47, 53, 59, 66, 73, +73kg

Girls: 28-30, 32, 34, 37, 40, 44, 48, 52, 57, +57kg

Cadets (16-17 years old)

Boys: 39-42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 63, 69, 76, 85, +85kg

Girls: 36-38, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 56, 60, 65, +65

Juniors (18-19 years old)

Men: 58, 62, 66, 71, 77, 84, 92, +92kg

Women: 49, 53, 58, 64, 71, +71kg

Seniors (20 and older)

                Men: 62, 66, 71, 77, 84, 92, 100, +100kg

Women: 53, 58, 64, 71, +71kg

Veterans (35-60 years old)

                Men: 62, 66, 71, 77, 84, 92, 100, +100kg

Women: 53, 58, 64, 71, +71kg

Ground Fighters Uniforms and Appearance:

Hosharafu Ground Fight is a No Gi Competition and For all International Hosharafu Federation sanctioned events, competition uniforms shall be approved by International Hosharafu Federation Committee of Associated Styles – Ground Fight.

The first Ground Fighter called shall appear on the edge of the mat or approved completion area wearing an overall red uniform and the second grappler called an overall blue uniform. The rash guards shall be tight-fitting, with short or long sleeves, and contain at least 60% of the assigned colour. Mixture of red and blue on rash guards is forbidden The board shorts shall be either of the matching assigned red and blue colour or of a neutral colour, such as black, white or grey. They shall not be excessively baggy or have pockets or button/snaps that may be unsafe during competition. Black compression shorts or pants worn under the board shorts or alone are also permitted.

Competition Area:

Hosharafu Ground Fight can be organized in Standard Wrestling Matt, Standard Ring and Standard Cage or any other kind of Competitin Area which is preapproved by the International Hosharafu Federation, the center of the Competiion Area shall contain a 1-meter circle that will serve as a starting point for the Ground Fighters. From the edge of the outer circle in case of a Matt, a minimum of a 2-meter protection zone shall be provided.

Duration of the Match:

The duration of the Match is 5 minutes to 10 minutes it will be different according to age and experience of the Ground Fighters, the time duration of the match will be decided by the Organizing Committee for each Categories.

Scoring of the Match:

All bouts will be evaluated and scored by three judges. The 10-Point Must System will be the standard system of scoring a bout. Under the 10-Point Must Scoring System, 10 points must be awarded to the winner of the round and nine points or less must be awarded to the loser, except for an even round, which is scored (10-10). If a bout was ended with a draw the referee will give chance for both fighters to choose a submission technique of their choice and apply to his/her opponent and the same for his/her opponent and the winner of the bout will be the person who submit his/her opponent in less time.

Illegal Actions and Techniques

Intentional breaking of bones or joints (i.e. not giving the opponent’s enough time to tap in submission situations)

Punching, kicking, knees, forearms, elbows, head butts, malicious cross faces – Biting, pulling of hair, nose, ears, or attacking the groin

Eye, ear, or nose gouging, fish hooking

Spikes (i.e., standing throws onto the head or neck)

Slams in defence of submission attempts and if opponent’s body is above waist level

Back splashes from standing position

Combination of joint locks and throws

Use of the fingers for throat/trachea choking techniques

Inside or outside heel hooks

Chin ripping – Neck cranks (crucifix, full-nelson, can opener, etc.) Note: Is legal to crank the neck while applying a choke (for example during a guillotine or a rear naked choke)

Small joint manipulation

Holding less than 4 fingers or toes

Intentional grabbing of competition uniform

Coating the skin with any kind of substance or using gauzes or any kind of protective materials without the authorization of the Head medical officer and in agreement with the referee.

Argument/insults towards anybody present in the competition hall – Pretence of injury

Note: Any illegal action executed to prevent the opponent from completing a submission will result in immediate disqualification.